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One afternoon while staring out the window, a short story came to mind.  At first, I titled it, "Patches" but as the story progressed, it became obvious that "Cornbread and Biscuit" would be more suiting.  I finished the rough draft and shelved it to continue writing my "Wes and Oz Mysteries". 

After I completed their latest adventure, "Death has no Sorrow" I happened to open the manuscript for "Cornbread and Biscuit".  Now was the time to finish what had started out as a short story. I sent copies to a few of my Wes and Oz followers and asked for their opinions. Their encouragement and positive feedback made me want to finish what I had started.  For now, Wes and Oz will return after I complete and publish what might be the first of many in my new series titled.

 "Small Town Romance"


   S.B. Biddinger

A Small Town Romance

Cornbread and Biscuit Book Cover. This image aligns with the story of Jessica deciding to start a new chapter in her life.

​Hell has no fury as when you are on the receiving end of Jessica P. Whitewater’s wrath. Jessica had had enough of his crap and lies. With her SUV packed and every nook and cranny filled, she bid goodbye to the big city and was off to start a new chapter in her life.

As she waited for the light to change to green, she looked over and saw the couple in the car next to her kissing. She began to entertain second thoughts of leaving, but when a familiar ringtone broke the silence, anger quickly replaced any guilt. It was because of him; she decided to make this life-changing decision. After listening to his voicemail, she shouted, “That Bastard!” He had the nerve to tell her to go to hell. It was him who broke her heart by sleeping with that slut.

Without hesitation, Jessica P. Whitewater punched his speed dial number with vengeance, and no sooner had he answered that she unleashed a wrath of rage and fire the likes he had never experienced. By the time she finished and ended the call, she knew he was history and there was no going back. She blocked his number and deleted everything about him from her phone.

Alone and upset Jessica reached out to her only friend she had at this time, “Siri, how many miles to Durango, Colorado?”

After three days of driving Jessica climbed out of her SUV and smiled. She was excited to be in her new city to start over. Lacy, her best friend from college rushed out her front door screaming. “Yay, you made it.” Seeing her friend, tears rushed down her cheeks as they hugged.

Little did Jessica know that after settling into her new home that she would fall in love so soon after her break-up. His name was Cornbread.


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© 2020 by S.B Biddinger

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